19 February, 2010

you can hustle if you bustle

GUYS, something so funny.

My dad got me a membership at his gym, Lifetime Fitness, hollaaa, and yesterday he got me a session with a personal trainer.  Well, technically, sessions.  But, yesterday was the first time.  And let me tell you something: now I know what it feels like to really work out.

I think I died a little bit.

So, first while we were warming up he was just like, "so what do you want to get out of this?  do you have any goals?"  And I was like, weelllll now that you menttionnnnn itttttt...I wouldn't mind looking really good for my cousin's wedding at the end of March.  And he was like, "OK, end of march?  Yeah we can make that happen but it's going to be really intense."

And I thought, hah!  How intense can this be?  Oh em gee I thought he'd never leave (name that movie).  For an hour we were doing strength and conditioning, back to back, weights, different jumping around things, planks.  I've never actually sweat that much during a workout...during hot yoga, of course, but never during an actual workout workout.
He kept my heart rate going super fast the entire time and he pushed me to my limit.  At one point, my arms and legs felt like jello and he was like, come on, now you're doing this.


Afterwards, I went into the dressing room and I took off all of my clothes, wrapped a towel around me, and then all of a sudden I was like, shootsters, I'm going to fall.  So I had to sit down, and I put my head between my legs.  This woman came up to me, and she was like, "miss, are you alright?"
And I was like NO I FEEL LIKE IM GOING TO DIE.  Only I just looked at her and smiled.

And today.  TODAY I CANT MOVE.  My whole body is just sore.  It hurts me to sit down.  Yes.  My butt even hurts.  And I'm just wondering how long this pain is going to last because I have another session with him on sunday, and he said it's going to keep staying intense.  YAY!

It's ok.  My dad texted me today and said, "no pain, no gain."  And I guess he's right.  I have to remember our mission.  Keep going.  PUSH YOURSELF.  YOU CAN DO IT.  COME ON.  HUSTLE.


  1. my freshman year i had a personal trainer for a day and for a week after the session i would roll down the hills on campus instead of walking down the steps... it was amazing.

    her name was anya and i would give my left and right boob to have her a part of my life on a weekly basis.
