19 April, 2010

Eyjafjallajokull (TEST: who can pronounce this?)

Volcanoes scare the crap out of me.  When I was younger I was obsessed with those, "Chicken Soup for Your Soul," books, and there was a "Teen" one that I would read all the time.  But I mean, why did I read it?  I have no idea.  It was dark and depressing and made me feel bad about my life.  Still.  It got a good cry out of me and sometimes people just need a good cry.
Anyway.  There was one story about this boy who went to Hawaii with his class, and they went hiking on this active volcano or something, and his best friend fell somewhere, like inside the volcano or something but they managed to pull him out but he suffered like 873 degree burns, but was alive but like, it was the most terrible story and he just sounded so sad, but it was SO SCARY to read about this boy being flung into the volcano and having to pull himself out.  Man.

So every since then volcanoes have just been the scariest thing for me.  I don't know, just the eruption, and not knowing when they're going to erupt and the lava flowing down this mountain.  It's terrifying.

But, the eruptions in Iceland have definitely caught my attention.  So much so that during the day I sit and google "volcano eruptions" while I should be doing other things.  And I spend hours looking at pictures of eruptions.  Why?  I don't know.  So that when I come face to face with an erupting volcano I wont be surprised about what's going on.  And I'll know to run away.


  1. chicken soup books are just the most unnecessary things, they just make you SO sad cause these "people" have the worst lives and then you just end up feeling bad cause you're sad for no reason haha.

  2. i know exactly what story you're talking about. i also read all those books obsessively. i thought they were real stories for the longest time.

  3. .....they're not real stories?

  4. yes they are. they are real stories. that's my reality and i'm sticking to it.

  5. i have this really strange greatest fear that everyone makes fun of. I feel, like one day, the planets will go out of orbit, and crash into each other. but this will be a small hit, but catastrophic. so catastrophic that the ground will break up and we will all fall into the lava underneath.

    when i tell people this, it is usually our last form of interaction.

