08 May, 2010


I've had Professor Rustici three times now.  And each semester, apart from being obsessed with his class, I'm obsessed with Rustici's wardrobe.  Why?  Well, the first semester I had him, he was a really bad dresser.  He would always wear suits, but he'd wear brown pants, with a green jacket, a beige shirt, and then RANDOMLY black shoes.  And I was always like, whyyy are you wearing black shoes right now?  And I would spend a lot of time in class looking at his shoes.  And I ask myself how I get A's in his class...hmm.

So anyway, this year, well, last semester and this one, he's become a better dresser.  Like I noticed when I got back from France that he had better looking suits and he matched his pants and shoes and oh, he got a cool new briefcase (I think it's new.  In any case, it's nice).  So then this semester, he started letting his hair grow out longer a little, and I always noticed because usually he has the same sort of cut, but now it's a little longer in the back.  It's cool.  

But guys.  The weirdest thing.  Today when I went to take my final, he was wearing JEANS.  It was the STRANGEST SIGHT OF MY LIFE!!  I mean, just the fact that he was wearing a jacket, with jeans and loafers, and his hair was longer.  He looked like a really cool guy.  I don't know.  I just love Professor Rustici.  I mean, Im not like those weird Rustici-ites who follow him around and take each one of the classes he offers, but still, he's like an uncle to me.  I don't know.  I just really feel like, "akhey, Professor Rustici...he's wearing the jeans."  :) 

I'm going to miss him, I think.  And the jeans.  

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