07 May, 2010

gravity is falling

I made myself a goat cheese "loghmeh," (I'll translate as a small bite, a little sandwich) and went outside because the weather is nice.  I wanted to lie down on the hammock for a while.  Stella came outside with me.  I think she was following me because I had food.  But I don't like to think that's the only reason Stella followed me.  I want to believe that she follows me because she loves me.  Sometimes it comforts me to know that Stella loves me.  I will continue to think this.
I went outside, Stella followed me.  Licking the crumbs as they fell from the sandwich.  Then a rabbit ran into the bush next to me.  Stella and I both saw it.  Stella began to search for it.  I stood there and ate my sandwich and watched her.  Part of me hoped she wouldn't catch the poor rabbit.  Part of me wondered what I would do if she did catch it.  So I watched her and ate my sandwich.  Then I started to think about Alice in Wonderland and how she fell down the rabbit hole.  I started to wonder what rabbit holes actually look like.  I wanted to fall down a rabbit hole too.  But, alas, my imagination couldn't take me that far in that particular moment.  So I just stood there.  Chewing.  Chewing and watching.
Then the rabbit ran out of the bush into the next door neighbor's yard.  Stella didn't see the rabbit run.  She continued to sniff and dig through the bush.  I saw it run.  I yelled at Stella.  "Stella!  It ran away!  The rabbit ran away! You'd have to go into the neighbor's yard to find it but you're not allowed over there."  Then I realized Stella probably had no clue what I was saying and I felt a little stupid saying all of this to her.  And my sandwich was done which was a little sad.
So I looked around and wondered what I should do.  Stella still couldn't take the hint that the rabbit had fled.  So I just stood there.  Watching Stella.  Thinking.
Thinking thinking thinking thinking thinking.





  1. Why is this somehow such an interesting/funny story? It totally shouldn't be, but it is. :)

  2. that's just the magic of ranna's writing, slotz
