I feel sort of stupid doing this, but I'll just go ahead and stay honest and real with you guys. On January 1, 2010, I was writing in my journal about new years resolutions and what I wanted mine to be. Now, usually I don't really think about it, because it's always like, "hahaha who ACTUALLY follows those?" But I was like, OK, what do I REALLY want this year? And what I really really want...well, if you take a look at the links I've listed on the right side of this page, you'll see that there are several of my favorite blogs. Some of them are my friends, but there are some "famous" ones. Garance Dore, the sartorialist, DOOCE (my fave du jour).
I would like to be like them. I keep thinking, how can I make this blog something special? Garance and the sartorialist go jet setting and take pictures of amazing people in amazing clothes all around the world, and Dooce is famous for being one of the first big "professional" bloggers of her time, plus shes an ex mormon, so she has that.
I don't jet set. And I'm not really an ex anything that is particularly interesting. But I try. I try to entertain my readers with stories. I put myself out there. Sometimes I think, do I really want people to know this? But I mean, why not? Right?
SOOO, by January 1, 2011, I would like to have turned my blog into, "something special." Something that will keep readers coming back for more. Something that will have Heather Armstrong of Dooce call me up and say, "Yo waddup Ranna, wanna grab some coffee? I'll bring my kids!" Or have Garance Dore call me and say, "Salut Ranna, I am sooooooo sorry for not answering your email about being my assistant. What can I do to make it up to you?" And I'll go, "Uhhh too late Garance, I've moved on to bigger and better things. I'm working for Heather Armstrong now!" And she'll go, "MON DIEU! PUTAIN! What have I done??" And then I say, "I REALLY hope you and your amazing Hermes Birkin bag have an extraordinary life together. CIAO!"
Moving on. There's an option to become a "follower" of this blog. It's really easy. If you have a google account, you can just press the button and VOILA! You're following me, and I hope that slowly one person turns into two turns into 62...but it starts with that first step. And if you read this and think, "uhh its so weird that I read Ranna's blog." PLEASE DONT THINK THAT. I've had a few people come up to me and be like, "I feel like such a stalker," and I'm all, "DUDES ITS LIKE MY BIGGEST GOAL IN LIFE (after wanting to become arab) TO HAVE PEOPLE READ MY BLOG!" And they kind of get taken aback and go, "ok so we'll keep reading it." And then I'm like, "AND BECOME MY FOLLOWER!!!" And they're like, "who are you, charles manson??" And so I stop harassing them.
Please start to follow this blog. I promise I'm not crazy like Charles. Ok, I'm a little crazy, but in a Luna Lovegood sort of way. I can only realize my new years resolution with YOUR help.
Thank you for your time and consideration in this matter. I hope to hear from you soon.
Ranna Saeedi