23 December, 2009


"Random" has become a pretty popular vocabulary word among my group of friends and immediate family.  Every other statement has a "random" or "randomly" attached to it, even where it doesn't belong.
"Remember its randomly snowing?"
"She randomly went to yoga."
"Random, Ran."
The word has infested our manner of speaking, and without it, I don't know where we would be today.  How would we exist?

So a couple weeks ago Simsim and I were hanging out with our dad, and something came up, and we labeled it as "random."
After a few moments, my dad frowned at us and said, "That's not random.  How is that random?"  And we had to explain to him that while to others said subject may not have been "random," to us, it was the perfect adjective.
After that, Salma and I told all of our friends about our dad's confusion which prompted a good amount of laughter.
And while my mom and Monsieur Rene have fallen victim to using "random" in their daily speech, I never thought it would be uttered from my father's lips.

And then tonight happened.

As we were driving home after eating dinner at Church St. Pizza and dessert at Cenan Bakery (pause--if this isn't random, then I don't know what is), I started talking about how the other night I started thinking, "what if there's actually an afterlife?"
To which my dad replied, in a rather booming voice, I might add, "Ranna, that is SO random."
And then I started laughing and replied with, "I KNOW but it just popped into my head..."
And my dad said, "It's like, who cares?  Either there is or there isnt.  But you're supposed to live your life NOW so that one day your soul is randomly removed from your body and inserted into a dogs?  How are we supposed to adjust our lives thinking that way?  Are we supposed to start peeing differently?"

Haha, sometimes my dad is randomly funny.  Tonight was one of those nights.


  1. Well peeing would be the one thing that would deter you from enjoying a good afterlife, so I also don't see what's so random here.

    Also, why do you call Salma "Sim" and "Simsim"? Those are nicknames my fam has for me, by the way. Did you know that?

  2. Why would peeing deter you from enjoying a good afterlife? A good pee is better than good, it's great. How do you spell relief? P-E-E

    Salma has many nicknames in my book. Simsim, Sim, Simil, Similak, Salms, Samla, Salama, Salmanca, Sooli, Soosool, Soosooli, Sis, Sir, Si, Sili Sisil, Silly goose, Salaam, Selena Senedi, Samaa

    to name a few

  3. ok, theres supposed to be a comma between Sili and Sisil but I can't figure out how to delete and rewrite the comment, so I'm just going to post a new comment.

    Its not Sili Sisil

    Its Sili AND Sisil (Pronounced Seelel and Seeseel)

  4. You forgot "Salmonella" - Now it would be strange if randomly, Salma's soul was sent to a dog like Stella

  5. mister was just trying to be funny
