11 September, 2009

Are you related to Osama?

Yesterday, sitting in one of my Economics courses, I happened to look at the board covered with student ads, posters about study abroad sessions, and this little number that totally flabbergasted me.  After class, I quickly ripped it off the board and showed it to friends, who were just as shocked as I was.  Check it out (picture was included in article).


Fairfax VA--Junior Timothy Pitt endured a whole forty-five minute debate between two students of presumed "middle east" descent.  Pitt, an IT major, sat in the computer lab in the top floor of the Johnson Center and was subjected to a loud conversation and massive amounts of hair gel that forced him to leave.

"It was just crazy.  They just started talking so loud, and I don't know where they were from, they could have easily been strapping bombs or something."

Continued Pitt, "I don't want to be rude, but it was like the Gaza Strip in there.  I wasn't sure whether it was part of their culture to talk and laugh when I was clearly trying to do work."

Upon repeated attempts to clear his throat in an excessively loud manner and even more failed attempts to turn up his iPod to drown out the chatter, Pitt found himself hopeless.  Read more at www.themasonsquire.com "

And at the end, it wrote, "Because fake news doesn't report itself."

Now, don't get me wrong, I understand and COMPLETELY support our right to free speech.  But this.  This isn't even journalism.  This isn't even funny.  I mean, let's take "The Onion,"  for a second.  Sure, "The Onion," is fake journalism, but it mixes current issues with a satirical twist, making it smart and humorous.
This was neither.  It made Timothy Pitt sound like an idiot and an asshole (sorry, Timothy Pitt, but it did), and it was really quite offensive.

Also, I want to say.  This isn't me as an Iranian getting angry.  I'm not angry because I fit under the umbrella of "Middle East descent."  I'm angry because as a human being, I don't believe in taking groups of people, putting a label on them, based on the color of their skin, the language they may be speaking, who they may be attracted to, what religion they practice, and then slandering them.

In any case, check the website out, themasonsquire.com, and let me know what you think.

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