due to increasing demands, i need to note that the reason I have not been updating is because...well, in fact there are a couple reasons.
1. I'm working on a little something something that will be published soon
2. nothing interesting has been happening in my life. I go to school, I come home, I sleep. I wake up, I go to school, I come home, I sleep.
If you want I can start blogging about the nitty gritty details I learn in my Economics courses. We could have a conversation on the diamond cartels if you want, that's pretty interesting....
naahhh. Just hold tight, I'll be back. The latest by this weekend. I have some tricks up my sleeve.
Ciao babies. Or, haha, as Justin Vernon likes to say, Babys
21 September, 2009
13 September, 2009
you have 30 minutes to sketch
I just started watching Season 6 Project Runway tonight. Did you know there's an Iranian girl on the show this season? Yup. Shirin Askari. She's pretty good too. Classy and sophisticated. And she's pretty. Nice hair. So young. I hope she wins.
12 September, 2009
Re: Anonymous Comment
Someone commented on my "Ranna Rants about Rustici," post by saying,
"What does this mean?
"Not because I agree with what he says, these days. I know better now."
Did France turn you into a socialist"
Ok. first of all, please tell me who you are. Second of all, shame on you.
Let me explain what I meant. The first time that I took Rustici's class, I listened to what he said and I thought it was the word of God. The way he explained everything made it seem like the world should function in terms of Rustici. I was fascinated by his explanation of "the invisible hand," and why shortages and surpluses exist. I took what he said and I applied it to everything pertaining to my life.
Monsieur René and I would get into fights almost every night. Social medicine, minimum wages laws, social medicine.
During this same period, I took to labeling myself a libertarian. And then soon after, I took it one step further in preaching the codes and ethics of Austrian Economics. It all seemed like the perfect world.
But this year (And NO it was NOT France), I realized that here we are living in a world that doesn't function under perfect competition, that our natural rights are not always going to be protected under a John Locke-esque civil society, that as much as we would like, we are no where NEAR reaching a point like that.
Sure, it's sooo wonderful to think about everything our Economic professors tell us and think that it's possible. Sure, we can work towards making small changes. But thinking that we can shift our society into one based on social contracts and live peacefully... i just dont believe that we can. We're human beings. We're selfish. We want what's best for ourselves. I mean...ok think about it in these terms.
John has an apple
Bill has an orange
John wants the orange
Bill wants the apple
Ok, so we can trade. Sure. But what happens, if John takes the orange, but also keeps the apple. Or, Bill takes the apple, but keeps the orange.
What happens then?
I mean, as rationality and incentives are concerned, isn't that what's going to happen?
I'm not saying we should live in a police state. I don't agree with the way our government handles things here. I'm not in agreement, by any means, with this new healthcare policy Obama has whipped up.
But at the same time, I'm living in THIS world. Not a world made up by my professors. Not a world made up of two commodities, apples and oranges.
So I take what they say with a grain of salt. I work with it, and I try to apply it to the world I live in. Because that's the only thing I can do. That's the only way I can continue forward without being completely jaded by realities uncertainties.
"What does this mean?
"Not because I agree with what he says, these days. I know better now."
Did France turn you into a socialist"
Ok. first of all, please tell me who you are. Second of all, shame on you.
Let me explain what I meant. The first time that I took Rustici's class, I listened to what he said and I thought it was the word of God. The way he explained everything made it seem like the world should function in terms of Rustici. I was fascinated by his explanation of "the invisible hand," and why shortages and surpluses exist. I took what he said and I applied it to everything pertaining to my life.
Monsieur René and I would get into fights almost every night. Social medicine, minimum wages laws, social medicine.
During this same period, I took to labeling myself a libertarian. And then soon after, I took it one step further in preaching the codes and ethics of Austrian Economics. It all seemed like the perfect world.
But this year (And NO it was NOT France), I realized that here we are living in a world that doesn't function under perfect competition, that our natural rights are not always going to be protected under a John Locke-esque civil society, that as much as we would like, we are no where NEAR reaching a point like that.
Sure, it's sooo wonderful to think about everything our Economic professors tell us and think that it's possible. Sure, we can work towards making small changes. But thinking that we can shift our society into one based on social contracts and live peacefully... i just dont believe that we can. We're human beings. We're selfish. We want what's best for ourselves. I mean...ok think about it in these terms.
John has an apple
Bill has an orange
John wants the orange
Bill wants the apple
Ok, so we can trade. Sure. But what happens, if John takes the orange, but also keeps the apple. Or, Bill takes the apple, but keeps the orange.
What happens then?
I mean, as rationality and incentives are concerned, isn't that what's going to happen?
I'm not saying we should live in a police state. I don't agree with the way our government handles things here. I'm not in agreement, by any means, with this new healthcare policy Obama has whipped up.
But at the same time, I'm living in THIS world. Not a world made up by my professors. Not a world made up of two commodities, apples and oranges.
So I take what they say with a grain of salt. I work with it, and I try to apply it to the world I live in. Because that's the only thing I can do. That's the only way I can continue forward without being completely jaded by realities uncertainties.
Why am I just a monkey?
I hate it. The plight of the Middle Eastern woman. Hair. HAIR. HAAIRRRRRR.
All I want is to have a hairless body. I've tried everything. Waxing, threading, laser hair removal. No. It doesn't work. Someone wanted me to be a gorilla, and a gorilla I shall remain.
So any Middle Eastern girl out there who thinks she's the only one: YOU ARE NOT ALONE.
I guess the best thing we can do is to embrace it. Embrace it. Love it. Men, FEAR IT.
hahahahaha. oh life.
All I want is to have a hairless body. I've tried everything. Waxing, threading, laser hair removal. No. It doesn't work. Someone wanted me to be a gorilla, and a gorilla I shall remain.
So any Middle Eastern girl out there who thinks she's the only one: YOU ARE NOT ALONE.
I guess the best thing we can do is to embrace it. Embrace it. Love it. Men, FEAR IT.
hahahahaha. oh life.
11 September, 2009
Are you related to Osama?
Yesterday, sitting in one of my Economics courses, I happened to look at the board covered with student ads, posters about study abroad sessions, and this little number that totally flabbergasted me. After class, I quickly ripped it off the board and showed it to friends, who were just as shocked as I was. Check it out (picture was included in article).
Fairfax VA--Junior Timothy Pitt endured a whole forty-five minute debate between two students of presumed "middle east" descent. Pitt, an IT major, sat in the computer lab in the top floor of the Johnson Center and was subjected to a loud conversation and massive amounts of hair gel that forced him to leave.
"It was just crazy. They just started talking so loud, and I don't know where they were from, they could have easily been strapping bombs or something."
Continued Pitt, "I don't want to be rude, but it was like the Gaza Strip in there. I wasn't sure whether it was part of their culture to talk and laugh when I was clearly trying to do work."
Upon repeated attempts to clear his throat in an excessively loud manner and even more failed attempts to turn up his iPod to drown out the chatter, Pitt found himself hopeless. Read more at www.themasonsquire.com "
And at the end, it wrote, "Because fake news doesn't report itself."
Now, don't get me wrong, I understand and COMPLETELY support our right to free speech. But this. This isn't even journalism. This isn't even funny. I mean, let's take "The Onion," for a second. Sure, "The Onion," is fake journalism, but it mixes current issues with a satirical twist, making it smart and humorous.
This was neither. It made Timothy Pitt sound like an idiot and an asshole (sorry, Timothy Pitt, but it did), and it was really quite offensive.
Also, I want to say. This isn't me as an Iranian getting angry. I'm not angry because I fit under the umbrella of "Middle East descent." I'm angry because as a human being, I don't believe in taking groups of people, putting a label on them, based on the color of their skin, the language they may be speaking, who they may be attracted to, what religion they practice, and then slandering them.
In any case, check the website out, themasonsquire.com, and let me know what you think.
Fairfax VA--Junior Timothy Pitt endured a whole forty-five minute debate between two students of presumed "middle east" descent. Pitt, an IT major, sat in the computer lab in the top floor of the Johnson Center and was subjected to a loud conversation and massive amounts of hair gel that forced him to leave.
"It was just crazy. They just started talking so loud, and I don't know where they were from, they could have easily been strapping bombs or something."
Continued Pitt, "I don't want to be rude, but it was like the Gaza Strip in there. I wasn't sure whether it was part of their culture to talk and laugh when I was clearly trying to do work."
Upon repeated attempts to clear his throat in an excessively loud manner and even more failed attempts to turn up his iPod to drown out the chatter, Pitt found himself hopeless. Read more at www.themasonsquire.com "
And at the end, it wrote, "Because fake news doesn't report itself."
Now, don't get me wrong, I understand and COMPLETELY support our right to free speech. But this. This isn't even journalism. This isn't even funny. I mean, let's take "The Onion," for a second. Sure, "The Onion," is fake journalism, but it mixes current issues with a satirical twist, making it smart and humorous.
This was neither. It made Timothy Pitt sound like an idiot and an asshole (sorry, Timothy Pitt, but it did), and it was really quite offensive.
Also, I want to say. This isn't me as an Iranian getting angry. I'm not angry because I fit under the umbrella of "Middle East descent." I'm angry because as a human being, I don't believe in taking groups of people, putting a label on them, based on the color of their skin, the language they may be speaking, who they may be attracted to, what religion they practice, and then slandering them.
In any case, check the website out, themasonsquire.com, and let me know what you think.
10 September, 2009
It seems I am a closet introvert. Sometimes, at first glance, I fail to recognize this about myself. I have certain and speficic qualities that may label me as an extrovert, but at the same time, being around people drives me crazy. I would much rather spend an afternoon in my room drawing or reading that spend time surrounded by too many people. I enjoy spending time with friends, sure, but one or two at the same time, not a whole crowd. Even then, I yearn for some alone time.
I've been thinking about this a lot recently. I spend a lot of time alone these days, especially at school. Personally, I don't mind. I get work done, I think, I get to observe people without someone telling me to stop staring ("stop staring, ranna, it's embarrassing, they'll know!" who cares?)
But then I wonder if I'm isolating myself.
Since school started I've felt alienated in most of my classes. I feel like Im sitting apart from most of the other students, observing them. I wonder how they can live their lives consumed by societies banal conditions. They seem so at peace going from class to class, listening to the professors, taking down notes of the lectures, and spewing the information out right after .
I sit there, silently, and I listen.
I wonder if I'm doing it to myself. Do I need to let go and see the world as they do? They seem ever so much happier. Maybe if I wasn't so critical on the definition of "happiness" I would lead a happier life. Ignorance is bliss, of course. Or so they say..
But then I would just be lying to myself.
Behaving like the others scares me. I would rather be alone, doing my own thing, independent from every one else, than surrounded by other people, pretending that I care about who is dating whom, an what she wore Saturday night.
Maybe that's why I'm manually isolating myself. Because if I don't I'll be dragged into this brutal cage. They'll crawl and bite me and bind me down and tell me to listen to them. THIS IS HOW YOU LIVE.
No. No thank you. I'd rather stay clear of that cage. I'd prefer to remain scar free. I'd rather be safe than sorry. Because didn't you know? I keloid easily.
09 September, 2009
What's cookin, good lookin?
I've decided to periodically post some illustrations I work on here and there.

Also, I'm going to start working on a more legit website, so look for that in the next few months.

02 September, 2009
Ranna rants about Rustici...
I had totally forgotten how much I loved my Econ courses while I was in France. The moment I stepped into my first course on Monday I was filled with excitement. It was reaffirmed once more when my my class, "Topics of Economic History," with Professor Thomas Rustici began. Let me tell you why.
My second semester at George Mason I was at a loss. I had no idea what I wanted to study, what I wanted to do, how I was supposed to continue. My plan had always been to finish my schooling at Parson's School of Design. A uni like Mason was totally not in the cards...until it was. So. Registration time came around and there I was wondering what I should sign up for. Art History? Maybe. Philosophy? Sounds good. English? Definitely. I swaggered along the path of liberal arts and stayed away from everything else.
I remember so clearly one night, getting into my mom's bed while she was reading, the course catalog in my hand, and telling her, "just tell me what to do!!!"
She took the catalog from my hand and said, "Why don't you take an Economics class?"
"Eww Economics is all about math, why would I do something like that?"
"No, Ranna, just try it out, you might end up liking it." Then she told me what other classes to sign up for. I remember them so well too. It was the best semester ever...
Intro to Microeconomics, Intro Conf/Resolution, some environmental science theories class (no lab), an English class, and French, of course (this is the first semester since 7th grade I haven't had French in my schedule...it's weird).
People. I learned so much random bullshit that semester. I mean, if my Conflict class wasn't bullshit enough, my Environmental Science professor standing in front of us babbling, "so, does global warming actually exist? I don't know. You tell me," was sort of the cherry on the ice cream. Learned a lot about malaria though...bed nets, gotta love 'em.
BUT. Wow. This was all pretense to my original story about THOMAS RUSTICI!!!! I LOVE HIM!!!! I remember sitting in my first Econ class, he stood up on the stage and told us the story of the pencil. The pencil. Not mechanical. Just a normal yellow pencil. Something you don't think about that often...but did you know how much work goes into making that pencil? So much. And he went back, step by step, and explained how the pencil was created.
And he said, and that's Economics. Open your eyes. Look over and beyond what you might see at first glance. And I did..and it was amazing...
Supply and Demand? I mean. I can't even begin to tell you the feelings I feel for that graph. I love it.
SPONTANEOUS ORDER??? No one ever thinks about these things. But spontaneous order just explains everything.
So anyways. I owe it all to him.
And I'm taking his class again this semester. I'm really excited. Not because I agree with what he says, these days. I know better now. But, he instills a sense of excitement in the field, that I think is really important for any class. I think that all of our teachers should strive to do that. Anyone can stand in front of a class and read off of their lecture notes, it takes a truly dedicated professor to make the students excited about what they're learning, to make us want to go and learn more about the Industrial Revolution, Carl Menger, the Robber Barons...
Anywho... I'm probably going to be blogging a lot about what I learn in class for a while. I'm taking some pretty interesting classes... it's going to be good, I think.
In other news, I'm reading, "The Unabridged Journals of Sylvia Plath." Raha first told me about it, and 'The Bell Jar," had really grabbed my attention, so I thought I'd give this a try. Man, you don't see too many broads like her these days.
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